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2023 Chinese Lunar New Year Spring Festival * New Lunar Year of the yin black water rabbit

Serendipity Circus by Lindy Kehoe

Happy Chinese New Year !! The year of the yin black water rabbit promises to bring an intuitive reawakening, and the chance to really look inwards. Psychic development and with the thought to develop stillness (from a stillpoint within), is helpful in unlocking our truest of natures.

I become cognizant of my authenticity, and with the chance to take off my mask and reveal my most authentic self, and with the courage to make decisions in the interest of the greater good.

The abundance of yin offers wonderful opportunities for deep recovery and spiritual practice, and as we yearn to let go of our independence in order to better merge with friends, fam and lovers. As eye grow up in consciousness, eye real eyes my true nature, and begin to discover the true relaxation of getting over myself, and my reactions and my (proliferation of) projections.

As eye begin to relax into my true being and truest of natures, I learn to live in harmony with natural law and order, and to better navigate my ongrowing story via an inner stillness.

To know thyself and to love thyself, lays the groundwork for our compassionate nature to take root and to radiate out from within, and as an unsung community minded leader who works for the greater good. With compassion as our compass, we move from egocentric to geocentric. Out in the world we are asked to ground, root and center, and to stay down 2 earth.

Collaborate and renew your relationships now. Work to connect with friends and family, and best cooperate by contributing your unique gifts of simplicity and your unpretentiousness.

Patient and tolerant, we flow and accept the changes (to our innermost terrain), and as we let go of old patterns and/or belief systems, and of which are little more than compost for our soul.

We soften to receive, as perfectly still our inner alchemy allows for a deeper understanding and for us to nurture our benevolence. We tune into our inner wisdom and find spiritual union and our level. As healers, homebodies and peacemakers we practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty. Artistic disciplines allow for the magickal energy of the mystickal arts to come forward as we write, paint, make music and dance. We follow the prompts in implementing astrology, feng shui and the like. We see things true, and see things thru.

2023 is a good year to start new things, and to put your plan into action. There is also the caution that you can lose focus, and that it may be best to take on smaller projects that can be incubated and completed quickly. Break big projects or goals into small manageable steps. Work smarter, not harder. Real eyes you don’t need to do everything at once. Choose what’s of import and get it done. If you need help, ask for it. There is a strong creative energy about and new biz ventures prosper. Be productive and consider to get back to work in a field which nourishes your soul’s desire. 2023 is a good year for working with trees and plants, and a big/good year for the arts and entertainment. 2023 is also purportedly good for solving housing issues and for purchasing real estate. Invest in property, and consider to vote with your dollars.

There is the caution against overeating or drinking to excess, and with the suggestion for apple cider vinegar and honey in warm/hot water. Eat bitter greens and drink plenty of fluids/water.

Rest, recharge, sleep and sit still. As the quiet woman, quiet your mind. Resolve to resolve things via meditation. Consider to let your inner peace best resolve and transcend your issues.

Move from evaluation to elevation. Calm the mind via the practices of qigong and/or yoga. Use lung tonic herbs and breathwork to prepare for dreamtime and the going between subterranean worlds, and in knowing that the subtler energy (field) sets the foundation for the energetic and transformative energy of the upcoming dragon year, when everything you could possibly imagine, happens all at once. Stop and feel, and ask how am I feeling, right here and right now.

Know when to act or retreat, and in answering the question: should I stay or should I go now ??

In moving from chaos to harmony, enjoy a greater level of peace (love & joy) and balance, and upon the renewal of your spiritual journey. Do your best to keep your spiritual plane clean, and recall that in peace we are closest to our truest of natures. Deepen your relationships and be willing to face and express (your deepest) emotions. Heal wounds and agree to the truce.

Rabbit can get nervous very quickly. Watch for liver and kidney excess, and that we may be more prone to the water (rabbit) emotion of fear. Recall that fear births anger, especially when we are scared. Surges of fear have the tendency to create inaction. Anger and resentment block energy flow in the body. If our intuitive gifts are, or have been repressed, they can come out as defensive and even vicious, as when they’re hurt, rabbits have a potential for darkness far beyond the other (Chinese astrology) signs/animals. Recall too that anger converts to compassion, and that my feelings of scorn that I have for/toward others is not healthy for me.

Long buried emotions reappear, and repressed emotions can surface, often indicative of my underlying depression. Melancholy fed anxiety overrides the waves of melancholic feelings.

Channel your inner Quan Yin and do your best to stay calm and keep your inner balance. A deep dark portal beckons us down the rabbit hole and unto (the proverbial) wonderland. Open doors afford us a new trajectory, as for things to grow and prosper we move from acorn to oak. Growth is with the quickness, as jack (rabbit) be nimble, and jack (rabbit) be quick. I feel the earth shake under my feet, and as eye real eyes that trees grow in community, and in deep connection with all our relations. Stay close to your mother ocean & earth mothers.

Life is forgiving, life is for giving. Move from the stag nation to a relation ship, and with the sweetness. 2023 is good for singles who want to find the one. Allow for your sweet heart and health to shine forth. There is also the cautionary tale as to the joker who likes to push buttons and unveil a person’s true nature. Recall that truth is univisceral and that our powers of observation as the rabbit are one of who is oft moving and almost never stays in one place, and as we are inherently crazy like a fox, and ever watchful of others most covert operations.

Real eyes your truest of natures, and intuit your way. Be into it, and consider to take greater risks for the greater good. And less ‘til death do us part, and more so long as love shall last.

Moon * 18 * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

The moon (long associated with rabbit) represents your expression of the feminine, the passive, the internal, the introspective, and the magnetic force of stillness. You have a natural force of attraction toward which others gravitate. Be still.

The moon subconscious conserves the old and brings it back to life.

The moon represents not only the feminine and subconscious, but an extraordinary sensitivity of a psychic nature. The ability to pick up vibrations, even the most distant and subtle, is of the moon mentality. Consider that you are naturally psychic.

Logic and reason take second place to feelings, intuition, dreams and imaginations.

Be intuitive and sensitive to sound and vibration. Be sensual and soft. Use your menstruation periods for inner knowing and strength.

There is the chance for emotional instability of great ups and downs. Emotions get in the way of seeing clearly, and insecurity prevents flights of imagination. Watch out for insomnia.

Take the easy path. Go with the flow, and move with the tides.

Consider to move from extraordinary to extra ordinary, and that ‘tis our vibration that shifts the field.

Seeker * Child of Wands * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

Big (rabbit) ears are symbolic of deep listening. Always listening. Listen to understand, not just to respond. Recall that listening precedes compassion, and that we fall in love with each other’s vulnerability. With warm smile and soft eyes, know that everyone needs to be seen and heard.




"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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