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2023 * the Chariot * Year of the Chrysalis * the courage to be still

The divine is conspiring in your favor. Ride on the will of heaven, and under the divine guidance of the (savage primal) goddess. Own your divine power with beauty and grace, and do your best to realign with the divine. Set the divine in motion, as by the light of the enchanted masculine, let your most wild and divine feminine channel the power of the cosmos in their return to balance. Under heavenly powers, enjoy the (magic carpet) ride, and trust the process. Recall that motion is its essence, and that ‘tis heaven everywhere and that you are at home anywhere.

In leaving convenience and the comforts of home behind, we are able to set things in motion, and as we are willing to go beyond our personal enclosures and the fenced in areas of our lives. Our ship is no longer safe in harbor, and as we real eyes that’s not what it’s built for. Open to the wonder and mystery of this life, we are willing to wait upon the will of heaven that will best determine our course and highest vision. With certain turbulence ahead, we do our best to ride the rolling waves in harmony with natural law and order, and to stay present within the larger flow and harmony of things, and all the while knowing that our rising tide lifts all boats.

Challenges beseech us of personal growth, and as we face deep fears from well beyond our rank ‘n file social conditioning. We ponder any personal difficulties and traumas, and the inevitable illness and separation that pattern the setbacks and struggles of our daily lives. We navigate with assistance and as we learn to more trust in her, and in myself as well. We are asked to man our (oar) aura and to meet the demands of this moment of truth. There is mastership involved as to be out alone with no support from friends nor family is a moment of truth in which we may discover who we truly are, or be destroyed. And as fate should have it, this period of self discovery is best met in moving from scared to sacred. We meditate and pray, knowing that unplugged, we are fully plugged in, and at one with you. Maintaining an open heart and calm mind, we follow her brightest star, and learn well of her most amazing grace.

Moving from iGo to we go, we move from emotionally submerged to finding dry land and higher ground. As we move from self loathing to self love, we are on a quest for psychic equilibrium and as we move from resignation to resonation. In the interest of the greater good, we are interested in the psychic development of the collective whole. As changing woman and the peaceful warrior, we are in process as the great merger. We wish to feel more deeply and deepen our life experience. We yearn for the deep dive, in love with one another, and to simply say “I love you.” We know that the purpose in life is to real eyes our gifts and talents, and the meaning in life to share of them. We walk in beauty as we cross the threshold, and in moving from dogma to dharma.

We exercise patience and our intuitive intellect as we yield to invisible turns in the road, and welcome unexpected avenues out upon our rather uneven road, and as we recall movement as the medicine. We move with it, and acknowledge the descent as the opening act in riding our wave out. The rushing rapids are of narrow passage, out upon the flow of consciousness, and as the river runs thru it. We are at peace with things, and accepting of the outcome. We are not driven, and are rather pulled by our destiny, slowing our roll and asking why the hurry ?? We are wrapped up in the all of it, and can hardly fathom that the beauty and the beast are but one in the same. We take pause, and in the attempt to put an end to our busyness. We ask what hunts us ??

If your inner kingdom is a wasteland of neglect and inactivity, consider that the restoration of your wilderness within comes oft from but positive destruction. If you have been rendered oblivious, are lacking faith, and fear you have come up short, the suggestion is to move from all is allowed to all is hallowed. Take responsibility for that which you can, and find your rhythm with things for that which you cannot. Stay in touch with things as best you can, and real eyes that which I pay attention to and focus upon are the fractals from which the chapters of my life unfold, and with change coming to that of which I pay attention to, and that things neglected stagnate. There are no ifs, ands nor buts about it, as yours are but insignificant faults.

Resisting temptation, renunciation of desire is rewarded, and as we abstain from the weapons of mass distraction. The wild hunt comes upon light in the darkness, and with intergalactic activation ahead, the movement is toward stillness, and an extended stillpoint meditation.

the Chariot * seven * Voyager Tarot * Way of the Great Oracle by James Wanless

Year of the Chariot * (2+0+2+3=) 7 * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

Change the channel, close your eyes. Change your channel, close your eyes.

Recall that we all share the same religion, we all wake up alive every morning.

Own your power with beauty and a most amazing grace. In fluid drive, get after things.

When it is time to stop, then stop.

dullness * seven of crystals * Rest your mind. Unwind, regroup and renew. See things true, see things thru. Ensure you have an intellectual basis for your emotional leanings and investments. Recall that you don’t have to always be so unconventional. Feel free to borrow from tradition for a change.

fear * seven of cups * If your ongrowing story is besieged by worry, anxiety and terror, consider to intuit your way, and to be into it.

breakthrough * seven of worlds * Tend to your inner fire. You will be recognized for your luminosity. Dare to be seen and heard. Come out, come out, from wherever you are.

courage * seven of wands * Move from discouraged to encouraged. Hone your craft, and as you make manifest the most ornate and intricate art, from your heart. Trust the creative process.

The chrysalis has you covered.




"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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