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Chinese Lunar Spring Festival New Year of the yang green wood dragon

Come, come whoever you are

Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving

Come, come whoever you are

This isn’t a caravan of despair


It doesn’t matter if you’ve broken your vows

A thousand times before, and yet again

Come again come, yet again come


Come again come,


It just doesn’t matter.  You still have a choice, and you will always have a choice.


The Western dragon is synonymous with anger, frustration, irritability, aggression and being hasty if not impetuous.  He is the fire breathing menace that is a threat to humans and requires slaying.  The Eastern dragon is conversely associated with power, strength, honor, wisdom, kindness, compassion and benevolence.  If we adapt an old Cherokee saying, the question is: which dragon wins ??  and the answer is: the one you feed.  Happiness is a choice.


I can choose to be unhappy, but my gifts and talents are best used for benevolent purposes.  Watch for getting swept up in confrontation.  Stick to your spiritual practice.  Have the courage to sing and follow your heartsong.  Teach what you know and be guided by what VerDarLuz calls your larger poetic purpose, and of which is perhaps engendered by a recent healing crisis.  Recall too that when the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace.

And so yes, Spring comes again, and with it the greenwood dragon.  Spring clean within as well as without.  Purify body, mind and spirit as precursor to metamorphosis that activates our growth in consciousness.  Keep your spiritual plane clean.  Clear out old hurts and resentments.  Ground, root and center.  Renew your vows, and stay engaged.  Build things slowly over time, and from the ground up.  Be meticulous in building solid foundation.  Real eyes that you are a larger than life force of nature, and that it may well be a good year to move from egocentric to geocentric.  It’s time to flower and fruit, to come into full blossom.  It’s your coming of age.  Bloom.  And whether if by air or by sea, or better yet between worlds, know it well to stand your ground and hold sacred space on this here middle earth.  Hold onto your hat  and consider to go on walkabout.  Ask of spirit teachers, ancestors and guardian angels for guidance and assistance.  Take the lead when needed, asked and/or called.  Move from demon to daimon, our higher self.


Take the initiative.  Make divinely inspired decisions in the best interest of the all/greater good.  We could use your help.  Promote harmony within and hence without.  Consider a practice of activation via meditation, Qigong and/or yoga.  Be in your element and deepen your roots.  Find the environment that fits us best.  Recall that when we get outside of ourselves, that things can turn for the absurd.  Remain humble, understated, natural and trusting.  Be receptive and know to save room for yes.  Watch for overthinking, worrying and excessive negativity.  This is not the year to be lost in your thoughts, and as the axiom of “deeds not just words,” may well serve us.  Follow the prompts and stay engaged.  Keep communicating.  Recall that the antidote to anger is gratitude, and converts to compassion.  Enlist nature in a deep reset.  And don’t wait.  Do it now.  Remember to exercise and get outdoors/out of the house on the regular.  And recall the second precept over the Oracle of Delphi, “nothing in excess.”  Watch for excess mucus which leads to inflammation, and consider a liver cleanse and the abstaining from fried foods.


For you ayurvedics, take your sours, and as they aid in digestion.  Consider to steer clear of fatty, greasy and processed foods, and excess booze.  Add two spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar to a cup of warm water with honey.  Recognize when you’ve been dwelling on the past and consider to explore some shaking qigong, and perhaps listen to John Greene, who shares that to cure heartache for men, eat bitter greens.  Consider to also learn of hydrowatsu and forest bathing.

Shinrin Yoku, aka forest bathing

Deepen your understanding of peace, love and joy.  Consider to pray with Quan Yin and Mary Magdalene.  Know that deep meditation and total forgiveness enhances our commitment to just the such.  Recall that life is forgiving, and that life is for giving.  Real eyes that timidity and powerlessness is not the prescription.  Recall that if we fail to assert ourselves, we can be susceptible to internal implosion, rendering us ambivalent and/or depressed.  The answer to depression is to take action.  If you’re feelin’ funkified, get outside and do your best to shake a leg and move your body.  Recall that our emotional imbalance can come from not following up on our intentions.  Perhaps it is time to bring that field of dreams down 2 earth.  And I know that I sometimes can feel swamped, and that I have taken on too much, and that it is oh so easy to criticize, especially myself.  See the angel within everyone, including yourself.  Carpe diem, and push am forward.  Take your cordyceps and recall that the world will be saved by the Western woman.  Befriend her and make friends with her dragon heart.  Have the courage to be still.

the Unsinkable Molly Brown

2024 and the year of the dragon is the start of a new 20 year feng shui cycle, which is governed by the energy of fire, and of which will offer extreme challenges.   Be trustworthy and recall that authenticity is key.  The task is to keep our life vision on track, and to ask of ourselves when am I edging god out ??  Recall too that our calling unto our mission is but by the grace of god, and that the invitation is to perhaps move from wounded healer to wisdomkeeper.  As herbalist and  environgentleman we recall that wisdom is gentle in its application, and well know that we gotta bend so that we don’t break.  We are also tasked with more practical pursuits in growing our biz projects, building up our personal email list, and in learning skills that cannot be automated.


The reminder is to not leave anyone behind, and that the purpose in life is to discover your gifts and talents, and with the meaning in life to share of them.  Interact with the integrity of loving kindness, and keep compassion as your compass.  Recall that we cherish that which we create, and that clarity within affords us movement without.  We also hold true to the anthem that the magickal mystery tour/this magnificent journey should feel the way I want the destination to feel, and recall that luck is when preparation meets opportunity and is the residue of design.


Be soul majestic.  Recall that life is a love story and her song our lantern.  As emperor know that what I pay attention to and focus upon are the fractals from which the chapters of our lives unfold, and with change coming to that of which I pay attention to, and that things neglected stagnate.  And so choose if you must to make a ruckus as the (dastardly) dragon of the West, albeit perhaps give pause and instead recall that to do (karma) yoga is to lead with the dragon heart of the Western woman.  Bless bless your beautifulness and thank you so much.

“Indecision (breeds misfortune and) brings its own delays.  Days are lost lamenting over lost days.  Are you in earnest?  Seize this very minute, as….  Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.  Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.  All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.  A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man nor woman could have dreamt would have come his or her way.  Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.  Begin it now.” from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe




"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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